Authrized Manager of Modern Engineering Co.

About Us

ModernEngineering  CO.
A general trading company that is specialized in trading works, maintaining and trading multiple types of buildings, roads, bridges, airports, railways, dams, tanks, irrigation projects, ports, sewer systems, etc.
In addition, the company excells in mechanical and electrical works such as installing power plant equipment, telephone exchange system, air-conditioning systems, electrical mapping, telecom tower systems, etc.
Our company is always looking forward to providing the best in order to do something good to serve the public and countries and our company was founded in 2023.
Provide logistical work from the processing of various trading materials and the necessary work requirements of other companies.

Working in the establishment of temporary camps for companies operating in the oil sector as well as the private sector in Iraq .Work in the trading of infrastructure of civil, mechanical and electrical works
Our company is always looking forward to providing excellent electrical and mechanical accessories such as installing power plants, equipement used in services and public works
In addition to installing conditionimg systems, electrical mapping telecom tower sys.
Also. Providing logistic works such as different projects processing services and in local areas tradings necessary materials and services in different sectors as a temporary camps for companies sites, in all private sector

©  2023